Potential and current vendors, please review these pages to become familiar with Repticon’s rules and show schedule, and also to review State and local laws and requirements. You may also register for tables using our online form or contact a Vendor Coordinator at the Booking Office.
Bookings Office Hours:
10:00am-4:00pm EST
407- 734-EXPO
[email protected]
California Rules & Information
These Rules & Information are provided as a convenience to Repticon vendors and exhibitors, and may not be comprehensive for every animal. Each vendor is responsible for researching and complying with all current laws regarding their animals.
Department of Fish and Game
No native species or Morphs of native species are allowed for sale without documentation of purchase or birth records.
Please review this for the recently updated list of illegal animals in the state of California.
A Seller Permit is needed by the State Board of Equalization for Tax purposes, please reference the following site:
City of Costa Mesa
Per a city ordinance, residents of the city of Costa Mesa are required to be permitted to own exotic animals.
City of Pasadena:
Application for license required in the city of Pasadena must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the date on which the animals are scheduled for display: Application for Registration: Display of Animals on City Property
Rachel Janbek
Environmental Health Division Manager
City of Pasadena Public Health Department
PH: (626) 744-6067
Fax: (626)744-6116
[email protected]
City of San Bernardino:
Vendors in the city of San Bernardino are required to have a $24.00 permit and needs to be completed 30 days prior to the show: San Bernardino CA City Bus Reg for Vendors