Potential and current vendors, please review these pages to become familiar with Repticon’s rules and show schedule, and also to review State and local laws and requirements. You may also register for tables using our online form or contact a Vendor Coordinator at the Booking Office.
Bookings Office Hours:
10:00am-4:00pm EST
407- 734-EXPO
[email protected]
Louisiana Rules & Information
These Rules & Information are provided as a convenience to Repticon vendors and exhibitors, and may not be comprehensive for every animal. Each vendor is responsible for researching and complying with all current laws regarding their animals.
Contact Info for Louisiana:
General Information:
Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries
2000 Quail Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Species Information:
Jeff Boundy
Biology Supervisor, Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
225-765-2815 or [email protected]
Overview of Regulations:
– Out of state vendors require a license for indigenous reptile species and listed non-indigenous reptile species. The 3-day license is $75.00, and known as the “Class I-5 3-Day Nonresidence Reptile & Amphibian Wholesale/Retail Dealer.” (The permit is required for non-native species listed under the new law enacted November 15, 2010.) The three-day permit covers both indigenous and listed non-indigenous listed reptiles.
–The permit application with instructions can be downloaded here: https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/assets/Licenses_and_Permits/Files/commercial_for-hire_licenses_app.pdf The specific three day permit required is not listed on the PDF form, so in the description place “Class I-5 3-Day Nonresidence Reptile & Amphibian Wholesale/Retail Dealer.” The completed form with a copy of driver’s license may be mailed to: ATTN Commercial License Section, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898 The permit can also be purchased in person and issued the same day at the Baton Rouge office on Quail Dr. The license window is on the first floor, with office hours from M-F, 8:15AM – 4:15PM.
– A Restricted Snake Permit is required for buyers who wish to purchase snakes 8ft or larger or venomous snakes (the purchaser has 30 days to apply for the permit.) The permit is free and can be obtained by emailing Jeff Boundy at the address listed above.
– Roadside and parking lot sales are prohibited.
– Sale of arachnids is allowed.
-A Restricted Snake Permit would be needed by vendors who are bringing/selling restricted boas and pythons over 8 feet long (see the appended list of species)
Selling the young of any of these requires a wholesale/retail dealer license, or the 3-day Vendor license, which must still be obtained at the Baton Rouge office on 2000 Quail Drive, or via mail by calling 225-765-2898.
The importation and/or private possession of constrictor snakes in excess of eight (8) feet, including but not limited to the following species Apodora papuana (Papuan python), Liasis olivacea, (Olive python), Morelia spilota (Carpet or Diamond python), Morelia kinghorni (Scrub python), Morelia amethystina (Amethystine python), Python natalensis (Southern African python), Python sebae (African Rock python), Python molurus (Indian or Burmese python), Python reticulatus (Reticulate python), any species of the genus Boa (Boa constrictors), and any species of the genus Eunectes (Anacondas), and venomous snakes, (hereinafter “restricted snakes”)
Additional Resources:
-Guidelines, species list & all permit information may be found under “Part XV. Reptiles and Amphibians” here: http://doa.louisiana.gov/osr/lac/76v01/76v01.pdf
-A great “unofficial” native species list can be found here: http://www.lgchs.org/resource.shtml
-For more regulation & species information, visit here: http://www.lgchs.org/#
-Vendors may also contact the Louisiana Association of Reptile Keepers by phone (225.278.0578) or e-mail at [email protected] for additional information.
Restrictions Specific to Caddo Parish for the Shreveport Show:
-All vendors selling any live animals require to get a permit for $50. The permit is good for an entire year (Jan.-Dec.). Vendors will then be sent a renewal every year after. Vendors who are not selling live animals do not require a permit from the Parish.
-All venomous Reptiles, all crocodiles, and komodo dragons are banned.
– Restricted Mammals: Tigers, lions, cougars, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, lynx, bobcats, bears, wolves, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, African buffalo, hyenas, coyotes, deer, non human primates, raccoons, skunks, foxes, hybrid species consisting of wolves, coyotes, or jackals interbred with domestic dogs, or hybrids of ocelots or margays interbred with domestic cats.
-For further information contact:
Caddo Parish Animal Services
Phone: 318.226.6624
Fax: 318.429.7676
Emergency: 318.226.6801
1500 Monty Street
Shreveport, LA 71107
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Restrictions Specific to St Bernard Parish for the New Orleans Show
These reptiles are NOT allowed to be sold in St. Bernard Parish:
No venomous
No constricting species that exceed 8′ normal length in the wild
Monitor Lizards
Common Boas
Reticulated Pythons
Carpet Pythons
Amethystine Pythons
Olive Pythons
Madagascar Ground Boas & any other snake that grows over 8 ft. in length
-For further information contact:
Charlotte Luna
St Bernard Parish Animal Control
As of 2/5/2014, no further venomous bookings will be included for Baton Rouge. Following the March 2014 Event, Repticon Baton Rouge will no longer include a venomous section.