Click here for more vendor resource topics and booking information
Information for New Vendors:
Thank you for considering vending with Repticon. Please review the information below, and if you have any questions, please email them to Repticon Bookings at [email protected]. Also be sure to include the Repticon Vendor Rules via the link in your review. If you consider yourself ready to self-book after reviewing this information, you are welcome to do so. If you find you need further assistance, please email Bookings directly.
Any show can be booked via our interactive booking forms. All shows when opened for booking are released first to prior vendors of that specific show, then later open to everyone. You can access the live booking forms and self-booking instructions here:
vendor-info-2/ If you do not see a show listed there, it has not yet opened for booking. For your first booking, you will first need to Register a User Profile via the buttons at the top right of the layout, then Sign In to book, and also you will create an Exhibitor Profile during that first booking. You will then use both your User & Exhibitor profiles with this system anytime you book with us. If a show is sold out with no available tables, there will be a notation in that layout with instructions on how to be added to the waitlist by using the gray waitlist button top of the layout to self-add or by emailing Bookings with the request to be added. For vendors who are in attendance vending during a show weekend, if there is a next confirmed show date at that location, Repticon does offer them an option to prepay in full for guaranteed table numbers at that next date. This form of booking has become favored by most returning vendors and fills up a large portion of many shows before they open for vendor self-booking.
- If you have never vended with Repticon before, we ask that you to read the Repticon Vendor Rules via the link:
vendor-rules/ You should also click into the links by State at the link vendorinfostateguidelines/ so as to review the local laws pertaining to the show you are interested in vending. These are guidelines we post to assist vendors that we have researched and collected over time, but please direct your questions to the officials listed as they will be the final authority on those laws.
- These and a variety of other questions and issues that come up from vendors are also explained in detail at various links at the vendor resource hub here:
- We also recommend for any show you are considering, to visit the individual web page for that specific location on the Repticon website and there review the “Vendor Info” tab if you scroll down under the venue pictures. That section includes vendor information unique for that location, including table pricing. Do take extra notice if a venue has an electric charge directly to vendors, which is a venue policy we have seen become increasingly more common in recent years.