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How do Repticon waitlists work?

  • Every specific show location and specific date has its own waitlist if sold out.  Due to several complicating factors, there are no “master” waitlists for show locations, so waitlist entries never “roll-over” to another date.  Every show date has a new waitlist and vendors must waitlist for each specific show date if booking is not possible.
  • No waitlist exists for any show until that show has opened in the booking system and has sold out.  This means waitlists will not exist for shows beyond those running within the next 2-3 months.  Also, two shows with different dates running in the same location are never opened in the booking system at the same time, so waitlisting beyond the next scheduled show date is not possible.
  • Waitlists may be activated before full sellout if only endcaps or scattered single tables remain because many vendors may be seeking only specific table numbers that are not available.
  • While waitlists are generally handled in the order received when being fulfilled, given the variety of table number requests, every waitlist process is unique, potentially complicated, and requires analysis by the staff to determine which vendor will be offered an available booking.  While staff can give estimates, there often are no simple answers as to where a vendor sits in the waitlist order.  Bookings staff cannot predict cancellations or what number of tables might be cancelled, so every waitlist is always a “wait and see” situation.

How to waitlist?

  • If a show is sold out and the waitlist activated, there is usually a note in the layout, and always a gray button above the layout that says “Click here to be added to the waitlist.”
  • Use that button to self-add to the waitlist.  Self-adding is recommended because the vendor will be added immediately in real-time.
  • If the vendor is registered in the booking system, be sure to be signed in so the waitlist entry will automatically notate who you are.  For brand new vendors, you may waitlist without registering, but be sure to provide your vendor name and all contact information.
  • It is recommended to be precise in your waitlist entry, most especially regarding tables.  Please mention if you have a variety of table numbers you might accept should they open.
  • If the self-adding feature poses any problems, please email your waitlist request to [email protected] and the staff will manually add you.
  • When waitlist openings are being filled, Bookings staff will email vendors detailing the tables being offered, and there will be a precise deadline to respond, usually about one day or more in most circumstances.   Because many vendors are often non-communicative, these deadlines are included so the waitlist can continue moving.  If vendors accept tables they will be manually booked by staff.  If a vendor is no longer interested when contacted, Bookings requests a response so the waitlist work can continue as soon as possible.
  • If being emailed does not work for you regarding being contacted about a waitlist entry, please notate that in your waitlist entry.  Email is the default method of contact used by Bookings so there is a written record and more staff will see vendor communication in a more timely way.
  • During the final day or two before any show, cancellations sometimes occur due to vendor illnesses or unexpected transportation issues.  During this period the waitlist timeframes become more tight.  Bookings knows that a majority of waitlisted vendors cannot accept bookings at such short notice, which is often less than 36 hours before the show runs on Saturday morning.   If you happen to be a local vendor who can accept such a “last minute” booking, please indicate that on your waitlist entry and it will be especially considered when filling any cancellations that occur right before the show.