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The Prepay in Full Preplacement Option (PPPP) was developed by Repticon after many vendor requests.  It since has become the preferred method of booking for returning vendors.

  • Prepaid in full Preplacement (PPPP) is offered to booked vendors in attendance during any show which has a next confirmed show date on the calendar.   PPPP is not offered when the next show date is not confirmed.
  • Prepaying in full guarantees the same number of tables at that next show as the vendor has at the current show – but it does not guarantee table placement – which may change.
  • Vendors cannot prepay for more tables than they are booked at the show that is currently running.  Requests to add tables at the next show should be made via email to [email protected]
  • As the current show approaches, an additional entry and amount will be added to the order/invoice for this potential preplacement.    Once added, it is then available to purchase.   If vendors are not interested, they should ignore that amount and only pay any current table balance.  The PPPP will be listed as an additional item and specifically indicate that it is for that next show date.
  • Usually during the Thursday before the show, booked vendors will be sent an email reminder about the PPPP which also explains it in detail and mentions the deadline to purchase it.
  • Vendors must Sign In (button is top right of any layout) to pay the invoice at any time during the show weekend.
  • The preplacement must be paid in full.  No partial payments or deposits will hold the future tables and any lesser overpayments made will go to a vendor’s Store Credit.  If you wish to decrease your tables at the next show, you may prepay only the amount that covers the lesser table numbers, but please email Bookings to confirm your intentions to do so.
  • The PPPP offer is always only good for a limited time.  There have been recurring problems with vendors requesting to pay this late, which due to a variety of issues is usually not accommodated once a show is closed.   Please purchase this option during the five day period it is offered (usually Thursday-Monday).
  • When the next show is ready to open, your prepaid tables will be preplaced, and you will be notified via email to review them before the prior vendor booking opens.  When you receive that placement check email, please review placement and make any requests as soon as you can.  Usually the show will open to further booking one business day afterwards and that further limits fulfilling any requests.
  • PPPP is only offered to vendors in active attendance at a show.  Offering it to anyone not vending could lead to overselling the next show.  If you are a vendor with an emergency cancellation, please inquire via email with Bookings to review your situation on options for booking the next show.

HOW TO AVOID MISTAKES with Prepaid in full Preplacement (PPPP)  

In the past vendors have failed to purchase PPPP when they intended to do so and may realize and inquire too late.  Please review the information below to ensure you have paid a PPPP.

  • After paying for PPPP, please review your invoice for that specific show to ensure that it is paid.  Vendors may review their invoices at any time in their account.
  • When any invoice is paid, the system will send the usual payment confirmation email.  It contains a link to that paid invoice where you may review it and check for the zeroed balance and the itemized PPPP.
  • Understand that Bookings cannot and does not review unpurchased PPPP to then contact any vendors on presumptions they may have failed or forgotten to prepay in error.  If unpaid and removed, that unpaid PPPP is always treated as if the vendor chose not to purchase it.
  • When receiving the prior vendor notification email that announces the next show opening, there is a reminder to email Bookings immediately if you purchased this PPPP option but did not receive the placement check email alongside that notification email.  They are sent on the same day.
  • If you are still uncertain about whether you’ve purchased PPPP for a certain show, please email [email protected]

If you have any questions about this prepaid preplacement option while still at a show, please just ask any of our onsite staff to direct you to the Show Manager, and they will be happy to help you.  Otherwise, please email inquires to Bookings.