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Regarding Non-profit (NPO) Vendor Inquiries:
- Repticon supports and encourages NPOs related to the exotic animal hobby whenever possible, be they herp societies, rescues, or other wildlife organizations. Such NPOs are usually offered a single complimentary (comp) table at shows availability permitting.
- NPOs should never self-book, as doing so will incur the usual vendor booking charges. Whether a new vendor or returning, NPOs should request placement or confirm it by emailing [email protected]. All NPOs will be placed manually by Repticon Bookings staff.
- NPO spots may be and frequently are limited. Bookings will advise directly on a show by show basis. Do know that many shows have NPOs that have supported that certain show for very long periods of time and those returning NPOs are placed first.
- Any comp tables are offered to NPOs at Repticon’s discretion.
- NPOs should forward via email proof of their non-profit status when first booking.
- “Off subject” NPOs (those not related to the show content of the exotic animal hobby) may request a comp placement, but NPOs related to the show content will receive preferred placement.
- NPO vendors are required to follow the general vendor rules which can be found here: Repticon Vendor Rules