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Regarding restrictions on Frozen Rodents, Feeder Insects, and Unrestricted Dry Goods:
- Frozen Feeder Rodents, Live Feeder Insects, and Unrestricted Dry Goods are exclusive vendor categories at Repticon shows held by specific vendors. This means no other vendor may offer any exclusive feeders or certain dry goods beyond set limits.
- The Feeder Exclusives were developed by Repticon to ensure feeder coverage for attendees at all shows in all locations, no matter the size.
- The Dry Goods restrictions are in place to promote sufficient dry goods coverage by vendors with a proven track record for supplying a quality variety of dry goods, and also to limit potential excessive duplication of similar products.
- For descriptions about what types dry goods are restricted, and how they are specifically restricted either inside or outside of Florida, please review the details down below.
- Most exclusives are contracted between Repticon and the exclusive vendors, who are usually also Repticon sponsors. In some cases, Repticon will arrange an informal exclusive for a specific show where coverage is still needed.
- Posted on each show layout in a text block is the list of exclusive vendors and the categories they are covering. They will also be listed in the Load In email sent out to booked vendors the Tuesday before a show.
- These policies are quoted below verbatim from The Repticon Vendor Rules. If you have any further questions about these policies, please email Bookings at [email protected]
From the Vendor Rules ….
Frozen Feeders and Insect Feeders
- No vendor may offer frozen feeder rodents or live feeder insects at Repticon shows without the prior approval of Repticon at a given show. There are feeder vendor exclusives for frozen and insects at all shows to ensure coverage, and no other vendor may offer frozen or insect feeders, promote feeder sales, or bring a freezer into any Repticon show without the approval of Repticon. Live feeder rodents may be sold by any vendor where local law permits.
Dry Goods Rules
- ‘Dry Goods’ are defined as products purchased by vendors for resale, and which are used to directly support the care of live animals within or attached to an enclosure. This includes used products.
- Dry Goods include, but are not limited to, light bulbs, enclosure decorations, vitamin supplements, food and water bowls, hides, and substrates. Commercially produced enclosures purchased by the vendor and offered for resale are also considered Dry Goods.
- Items that are not typically used within a reptile enclosure to support the care of the live animals, such as books, tools, t-shirts, art work, and novelty items, are not considered dry goods.
- Products that the vendor produces by hand for sale, such as custom enclosures or racks, are not considered dry goods.
Dry Goods Outside of Florida
- Vendors at Repticon shows outside of Florida must have at least 50% of their table occupied by live animals, and may not utilize more than 50% of their table/booth to display and/or sell Dry Goods without prior approval from Repticon.
- Dry Goods must be placed on tables, not rolling racks, unless prior approval is obtained from Repticon. For the safety of our vendors and guests, Dry Goods may not be stacked more than 2′ high on tables.
- Back stock of Dry Goods must be stored out of sight of customers on the show floor. Any Dry Goods back stock stored under tables must be contained in unmarked, opaque containers.
- The animals that are sold in a mixed Dry Goods/Live Animal booth must be sold by the same vendor. A Dry Goods vendor may not split the booth with an Animal vendor to reach the 50% minimum live animal presentation.
- Any vendor may offer Dry Goods that they or their company produces themselves without restriction.
Dry Goods Florida Only
- At Repticon shows within Florida, vendors, other than Family Reptiles, must limit their Dry Goods to one table only, and the Dry Goods offered must make physical contact with the tabletop (No racks or shelves may be used to expand the Dry Goods offered).
- Dry Goods must be placed on tables, not rolling racks, unless prior approval is obtained from Repticon. For the safety of our vendors and guests, Dry Goods may not be stacked more than 2′ high on tables.
- Back stock of Dry Goods for vendors who do not have Dry Goods slots must be stored out of sight of customers on the show floor. Any Dry Goods back stock stored under tables must be contained in unmarked, opaque containers.
- What constitutes 50% is at the discretion of Repticon.
- What constitutes a ‘full table’ of live animals and/or a ‘full table’ of Dry Goods under this policy is at the discretion of Repticon.