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How Can Vendors Know What Shows are Open for Booking?
- Repticon shows generally open for vendor booking in calendar order and tend to open approximately two to three months in advance, though that time-frame can vary depending on various factors.
- There are never two shows with different dates open at the same time for the same location because far too many vendors get confused with their bookings. A next event date will never be open for any vendor booking until sometime after the prior event in that same location has already run.
- For shows that are either in their prepaid placement check phase or the prior vendor booking period, notifications regarding those exclusive openings are all handled directly between those vendors and Bookings via email.
- Once a show is fully opened for any and all vendor booking, it will appear in real time on the booking system landing page, which may be found at this link: Be sure to check and scroll to a possible second page of listed shows, as only 15 shows are listed per page.
- If a show is sold out, there will be a note in the layout and a gray waitlist button to the top right of it for self-adding to the waitlist.
- For vendors new to any specific show, we invite you to email [email protected] to inquire about the timing of any upcoming openings. Please be sure to mention the specific show and date in your inquiry. Many factors prone to changes are involved in when and how each show opens, so until just a few days before they do open, the Bookings staff will only be giving an estimated guess regarding openings.